The Golden Bell is an annual award given by Taco Bell to recognize and celebrate the best and brightest of its franchisees and team members. The award ceremony has been held annually since 2002 and has become one of the most prestigious events in the fast food industry. And like every year, Taco Bell is organizing its yearly event, “Golden Bell 2022.”
For those who don’t know what Golden Bell is, I would like to say that Golden Bell is one of the greatest events organized by Taco Bell, and in this event they honor the top 150 general managers and area coaches. And for making the list of the best GMs and ACs, they make a list of all GMs and ACs across the nation, and then they figure out which General Managers and Area Coaches are the best by surveying employees and keeping track of how well they do their jobs each year. At the end, they make a list of the Top 100 best general managers and area coaches. [Click here to learn more about building a successful career at Taco Bell, along with brief information about the job position and steps to apply for the job.]
And once they have finalized the Top 150 Best GMs and ACs, they organize and sponsor a luxury trip to Havaii and hold celebrations of “Golden Bell” over there.
What is the best part about all of these events and surveys like TellTheBell? This will result in the company becoming much better at both the organizational and customer levels.
About Golden Bell 2022
This year, they organized their 10th annual Golden Bell 2022 Award Program on the Hawaiian island of Maui, and they invited all of the top 150 GMs and ACs, as well as top-level company officials and their families, to attend.
Here below, I’ve embedded a video published by the official Taco Bell on their YouTube channel that shows a few glimpses of Golden Bell 2022.
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Valerie Rogers is a Christian wife, mom of two, and grandma of four wonderful grandchildren and two beautiful granddaughters. She is a food and animal lover and enjoys reading, writing, cooking, and gardening. In her spare time, she likes to write blog posts about her experiences with different companies, including Taco Bell and their TellTheBell survey program. Valerie is passionate about sharing her thoughts and experiences with others and loves to connect with like-minded people online.